May 27, 2008

Book Review Reading

By today you should have completed the first three Reading Response pages (pages 9-11) in your Reading Journal.

Please read for 30 minutes tonight.

Mar 25, 2008

Niagara Movement

Please complete the questions to interpret and analyze the declaration of the Niagara Movement.

This is due on Friday, March 28th.

Mar 17, 2008

African-American Leaders

Please click on the title of this assignment to access links related to prominent African-Americans.

All research should be done by March 18th!

Mar 13, 2008

Booker T. Washington

Please complete the Booker T. Washington assignment. This assignment has 3 multiple choice questions, one short answer question and a creative assignment. Please click on the title of this assignment to access an electronic copy.

Due Monday, March 17th.

Feb 11, 2008

Immigration Vocabulary

Please complete the immigration vocabulary assignment.
On Friday we will have a vocabulary test and the vocabulary assignment will be due!
Click the assignment title to access the vocabulary assignment!

Feb 4, 2008

Industrialization: Photographic Evidence

1. Describe and evaluate photographs of industrialization. See the slideshow by clicking the assignment title.
2. Come prepared to vote in the BHS Super Tuesday primary tomorrow!

Jan 30, 2008

Industrial Growth Vocabulary

Vocabulary work is due tomorrow (Thursday). We will be writing an CAPT Interdisciplinary prompt tomorrow in class.